Welcome to the Social Media Blog.  We’ll give you tools, and updates on the latest tips….

The New Tool of the Trade
Let’s break social media down into two subsections for easy digestion:

Social: conversation, comments, feedback, buzz, friends/followers, mentions, readers, etc.
Media: Twitter, Digg, Flickr, YouTube, StumbleUpon, blogs, communities, etc.

The media makes up the tools that are used to generate the social aspect of social media.

The Plan
So back to our social media measurement question…do we want to measure the social or the media? How about both we measure both? But first let’s devise a plan (this is obviously not a full-fledged marketing plan).

Our plan includes: Goal, Objectives, Tactics and Measurement

Goal: To generate conversation around Product X

Objective 1: To increase number of comments about Product X on Twitter, YouTube, and Instagr by a combined 50% in the next 3 months.
Objective 2: To get 5 bloggers to mention Product X in the next 6 months.

(Remember, your objectives should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timebound)

Tactics for Objective 1:
Utilize Twitter to develop a network that allows Company Z to participate in a two-way dialogue; Post videos of Product X in action on YouTube; Post pictures of customers using Product X on Insta.